Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reader Response

Over all there was a diverse mixture of responses on the Hunger Games. From being unforgettable, to absolute overkill with lack of quality written work. The Hunger games has opened up quit a fascinating debate amongst the HG junkies and the HG haters. my favorite response I found to the HG book expressed by Dija's epic book checklist response,

           "1. A sharp and intelligent heroine with just the right amount of emotion who gives into                             absolutely nothing and no one?
            2. A sweet and sensitive hero who loves and supports the heroine unconditionally?  
            3. An original setting with a unique and thrilling plot?
            4. A couple of earth-shattering shocks every now and then to keep the readers' mind reeling?
           5. Extraordinary side characters from interesting backgrounds who possess the much needed
         voice of Reason and/or Humor in every crisis?    
       6. Desperate circumstances that force me to bit my nails in anxiety? 
           7. An ending that provides the perfect premise for the sequel but also concludes the present

                                                         Like i said, EPIC"
 God how I love this response. I thought it was written lightly with a lot of umph and with great deal of truth in my opinion. Though, there are some who would contend in Dija's response such as Jess, a responder on Good Reads that argues, "thought the book was overkill with violence being unnecessarily graphic with characters lacking any real depth. The book was poorly written with run in sentences, fragments and lacked sentence structure." To this response I say, boo. I think that response goes to the extreme. I can't say so myself if the book had such errors cause I aint no grammar teacher, but since when the hell did there become 'strict' guidelines into writing a book. Isn't it the authors choice in how they want to present the book. Also, if the HG book does have flaws, if we can even call them that, the book was written for a young audience not for scholars. It wasn't meant to be read as a complex, jargon filled novel. Though I completely disagree with this response I must respect it, and I do. Just for the fact that everyone has the right to their own opinion. So for my own thoughts, I think that the reviews on the book are 50/50. Either you love the book or you hate it. Or you could be a in-between-er. the person who reads the book, but really don't care about it any more than it being just a piece of paper to read. I must say that I enjoyed the book very much and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick enticing read that brings you to another reality.

Works Cited
Dija. “The Hunger Games.” Goodreads. N.p., 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/75075920>.
Jess’s. “The Hunger Games.” Goodreads. N.p., 14 Feb. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/52117158>.


  1. You know, it isn't a book I would normally pick up and read, but I'm glad I did. It wasn't too time consuming or complicated, but it certainly drew me in and kept me interested. I'm going to read the others (when school's out! Ha!) because now I'm invested and I have to know what the end of the story is! :-) I'm with you on not understanding the over the top negative reviews, but to each their own opinion!

  2. Yeah me too. :) I can't wait till the semester is over so I can finish the other books. I actually enjoyed the book myself. I like how Collins made it into a distopian world rather than a normal world bizarre sort of game. I don't think the book would of had the same affect on me. Totally agree with you about the over the top response. I had to post that one because I thought it was so 'wrong'. The response just crushed the book of all its' dignity in a sense. While reading the response I thought to myself, if you hated the book that much why would you continue to read it. Usually when you start reading a book you can decide right away if you'll like it or not.

  3. When I was looking for responses from other readers I saw Dija's checklist as well and I found it entertaining but at the same time very true. Those are a lot of the qualities I look for in a book and I'm sure most of us do too. I think they are seven important points that I would personally use when looking for a book to read for fun. I also love the overall set up of your blog with the color scheme and the Hunger Games picture in the background :)

  4. I do wish Collins would have went a little further in depth with the tributes from the other districts. I also agree with the 50/50 haters or lovers. I have met many people who don't care for the book and others like myself who show up for the premiere of everything Hunger Games Related. I also like Dija's checklist. It's not something that I have seen before but it is something that I plan on using in the future! Thanks for sharing with us!
