Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Film Comparison

Everyone knows that books and movies are without a doubt never the same. No matter how hard the producers try to unfold the story through film making. There always seems to be that certain something that’s always left out. And that certain something is what holds significance and meaning to the whole story. In the case of the Hunger Games, I think that there were many certain somethings in the film that were left out that held sole meaning; The Mocking jay pin, how fast Katniss finds water,  no visit from Peeta’s father, deaths happened faster, no Avox girl, the mutant dogs and the end of the game maker. This is only a handful of difference that the film made but I will choose two that I think have most meaning change. For starters the mocking jay pin. In the book the mayor’s daughter Madge gives the pin to Katniss when she is taken into custody. The pin is suppose to represent the district but later on you come to find out that the mocking jay is a sign of rebellion. In the book this would make complete sense, since Katniss tries hard to defy the capitol. However though, in the film Katniss buys the pin at the Hob and gives it to Prim, telling her that it will keep her safe at the reaping. When this fails and Prims’ name is chosen Katniss takes her sisters place in the games, obviously to keep her sister from dying. When Katniss is held in custody, Prim gives the pin back to her. Telling her the pin will keep her safe in the games. This makes the significance of the pin different. It doesn’t hold a rebellious meaning but rather a message of survival in which Katniss needs to do in order to return to Prim. I think the film changed this to show the love connection that Katniss and Prim shared. It was a way to show the audience the love between the sisters. In the books case, Katniss expresses her love for Prim in different ways, as well as her rebellion towards the capitol.

Another great difference in the book and film was how fast Katniss found water. In the book it was days before Katniss found water showing the difficulty and horror of the games. It also shows weakness in Katniss, making her very human and susceptible to the forest. She is on the verge of death before she finds water, but realizes something, “Maybe he’s sending you a message, it says. A message. Saying what? Then I know. There’s only one good reason Haymitch could be withholding water from me. Because he knows I’ve almost found it.” (pg.196, Collins) When the realization comes to her that she must be close to finding water, Katniss realizes how Haymitch is communicating with her and how she can to him. In the film, Katniss finds water immediately after the games are started. Showing that she indeed has forest smarts. I think that the film did this to portray her as strong and willful. I don’t like how they did this because it takes away from understanding why Katniss does the things she does in the games. It also takes away from Haymitchs’ intelligence. He is very clever and knows how to work the games, which is crucial to both Katniss and Peeta’s survival.

Even though the movie has its' differences from the book, it was a pretty descent. Since the movie is an adaptation to the book you can't expect it to be perfect. I can't say for sure if there are any similarities between the two because all I can grab hold of are the differences. I think if I had to pick a similarity, it would be the overall story. Two star-crossed lovers fighting to stay alive at any cost. I must say that if you hadn't of read the book before you saw the movie you would be missing out on information and that was the case with me. I saw the movie before I read the book and oh boy did I have a lot of questions. But when I started reading the book the movie made more sense to me.  So I would always recommend that you read the book first to understand everything meaningful in the book, then watch the movie. I think you get a better understanding about the characters and their actions.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic, 2009. Print.


  1. I felt like a lot of scenes moved too quickly in the movie, such as the water scene. The hunting with Rue seemed to be rushed as well.I liked it, but I didn't feel a lot of the suspense I felt reading the book.

  2. I totally agree, I forgot that Prim gives Katniss the pin back, but I really believe that Madge giving Katniss the pin really set the tone of the whole book. I thought it was rather, well, stupid, for Katniss to be introduced to the pin by buying it. It sounded as though they didn't want to develop the film too much so they just changed it so that it seemed like the pin was not a big deal. BUT IT IS.
    I also agree with the water scene. It really showed Katniss's desperation in the book, and by her just finding the water right away, it seemed too easy. Lame, if you want my opinion!

  3. Totally agree with both of you ladies :) With the producers changing the water scene I thought it took a lot of meaning away. It made Katniss look like she was invinsible which she obviously is not.
